Thursday, July 17, 2008

Accra Academy (High School)

This morning I visited students (all boys) at the Accra Academy School. This is a government operated school in Accra. I interviewed the students about their perspective on being a young person in Ghana. It was interesting to find out that students in Ghana face some of the same issues as those in the States. However, some of the issues were very different. For example most of my students in the States have to deal with gang related violence, while a major problem in Ghana are bad roads. This problem adds an extra half hour to transportation time for students going to school. However, the students did talk about negative peer pressure, and young people committing crimes to survive - but- it would be out of the ordinary for young people to use guns in Ghana the way that they do in the States.

I felt right at home in Accra Academy. As soon as I walked into the classroom and experienced the behavior of the students it immediately reminded me of being in a classroom at my school, Urban Assembly Academy of History and Citizenship for Young Men. There where plenty of "oooooohs" "aaaaaahs" and "aaaaaaaaays" after there peers spoke. Also, a bunch of giggling, teasing and playing around. This put a big smile on my face. One thing that I did get from these young men is that they are extremely serious about their education and their future. As one of the students mentioned, even with an education it is still difficult to survive financially in Ghana. These young men are well aware of the fact that they have to work extra hard!

Here is a pic of Accra Academy:

Here is me and the young scholars:

Here is a student talking to Che:

Here is me and more students having a cool time:


Melissa H-M said...

what an amazing trip! thank you so much for allowing the rest of us to live vicariously through this blog. simply amazing. ~melissa bernardin
(p.s. sorry for the "ecs scholars" title when i post. i created this account a while ago to use with one of my classes. lol)

meL said...

Wow--incredible trip and photos. I'm glad to see how you're doing too! I will be reading up your travels in Ghana for the next few hours!

richie said...

wow, am really moved by what i just saw. infact am so convienced that ACCRA ACADemy is the school of no regret