Thursday, July 17, 2008


Yesterday I interviewed some super cool hip hop artists in Nima and Mamobi.
These two hoods are known to be the most hardcore in Accra. The average Ghanaian would say this this area is rough. Of course as in any "hood" whether in NYC or Accra, the problems are similar: poverty and lack of quality education which leads to a host of other problems: high drop out rates, drug abuse and crime. In the midst of the madness however, the core of the community is felt once you allow yourself to be one with it. Although, I only spent about two hours in this area, I allowed myself to just experience the experience. To do this I didn't focus on the fact people were living in harsh conditions, but I got a chance to really vibe with the people. Once I did this, I got a sense of the community. Elders are respected, people look out for one another, and everyone seems to live like a family. I felt welcomed and had a great time.

Here is a pic of some youths playing soccer.

Here is a shot of me and some cool little ones. It was so funny, I was trying to get one of the youths to take the photo of me. They were so delighted to see themselves in the photos that I wanted them to get a chance to be a photographer too. Everyone but on little girl was too shy. So she braved up and took this pic. She was delighted to see the end product.

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