Monday, July 14, 2008

One Africa to St. Max...places to stay

We stayed at the One Africa resort in Cape Coast owned by a brother named El Shabazz from Brooklyn. He relocated to Ghana and has been living here for seventeen years. Actually there are quite a few African Americans who made a permanent shift to the other side of the Ocean. Today I had a conversation with the hotel manager St. Max, my hotel in Kumasi. He's from Memphis and relocated here two years ago. He was simply fed up with the West and made the big move.

If you want the feel of the "village" overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with some delicious home cooked food One Africa is the place for you.

Below is a photograph of the inside of our bungalow at One Africa. Our bungalow was named after Marcus Garvey. In the rooms are photographs of Garvey as well as a booklet with a brief biography and photos. Other rooms are named after people like: Harriet Tubman and John Henrik Clarke...

Our hotel room at St. Max...
Thank goodness to St. Max for free internet connection!!!! The food is tasty too. I'm still full from lunch.

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