Monday, July 14, 2008

Talk about an adventure

Two days ago the boys and I went to Kakum Park. Kakum is a small rain forest in Ghana. We've been hearing all along that we must go on the canopy's in Kakum park while visiting the Cape Coast, so we decided to do it. Not REALLY knowing we hiked up a mountain and into the rain forest. Just as we were about to enter the forest the tour guide tells us of all of the wild animals living in th forest. You all know how I feel about snakes, of course this man had to tell me that in this forest lives pythons, cobras and four other snakes that I purposely forgot. I made the decision in my head that if I saw one, I would just have to overcome my fear at that moment. One part of me really wanted to turn back though. I carefully walked through the forest holding Che's hand, I'm not sure who was supporting who..."stop squeezing my hands" he kept saying. I was just saying to myself, "snakes stay away from the path pleeeease." WE finally made it up to the canopy. It didn't look that bad from the starting point. However, when we got to the entrance we learned that there were seven canopies attached to each other with the highest at approximately 1000 feet suspended over sea level. WE were warned - don't look down if you are afraid of heights...

By the time I got to the middle of the first one, I said to myself "Self what did you get yourself into" We were so high above the ground that it was unbelievable. You couldn't even see the ground - we were surrounded by forest. By the time we got off the first one Amal and Che wanted to turn back and yes..they were in tears. However, we couldn't turn back. It was way too narrow and people were behind us. We had to keep moving because the canopies shouldn't hold too many people at once and we needed to maintain the balance. Although I'm not really afraid of heights, I must admit it was quite scary up there. The canopies were wobbly and we were suspended 1000 feet. I had to encourage my boys though, so we all chanted..."I can do this, I can do this" and eventually we did it... They were so excited to get off that thing...and they both agreed that if they could get through that they could get through anything. They felt proud...wooosh...what an experience. On the good side of things the view was amazing, it just gives you a sense of the beauty of nature.


Howard Lloyd said...

wow...daddy is really proud of you guys. It looks like y'all are really experiencing new things. Kofi & I wish we were there.

See you soon!

Melissa H-M said...

oh my GOSH, what an adventure! that story is a definition of bravery. ~ms. bernardin