Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm here!

It took me some time to settle down and find internet access, but I finally did.
It is now July 13, at 10:11pm Ghanaian time and 6:11 pm NYC time. I'm sitting in the hotel lobby of the St. Max hotel in Kumasi. Kumasi is a city located in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. We just arrived here this morning after driving for about three and a half hours from the Cape Coast. The drive was smooth up until we approached some bumpy roads. Thank goodness we have a really good driver who could maneuver his way around the bumpy dirt roads. After about 20 minutes of bumps we made it back on to the highway and the ride was smooth from there on.

Kumasi is an interesting city. The buildings are have an antique feel to them. There seems to be more huge buildings in Kumasi than Accra. There is definitely a lot of business happening in Kumasi.

Today we walked through the Central Market, one of the hugest market places in West Africa. Although the experience was great, it was also a bit overwhelming. I think I'm all marketed out after making my way through the hot busy market in Accra. Woosh what an experience. I did leave with some great buys however - amazingly beautiful fabrics and some delicious young coconut.

Tommorrow we will visit the Ashanti Palace, Bonwire (home of the Kente Cloth), and a few other hot spots in Kumasi.

Well I'm going to back track a bit and kind of relive the first half of our trip through photographs.

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