Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Silence is beautiful...

At the time that we took this photograph I experienced silence in the most beautiful way. We were on the top a mountain that leads down to lake Bosomtwi. It was so silent on that mountain. Now I understand why Buddha and Moses went to the mountain to meditate. We later drove down to lake Bosomtwi. According the sub-chief and caretaker of the lake, Bosomtwi was formed by a meteorite. The water came from the earth and the lake expanded slowly over the years. The lake was discovered by a hunter in the 1700's. Later several villages formed around the lake depending on it as a major resource. This lake is very important to the community as it is used for several things, including spiritual cleansing, and food. Every year the chiefs perform libations, animal sacrifices and other spiritual activities at the lake so that it would continue to support the community. The sub-chief told us that these yearly spiritual routines began after several people would drown in the lake every year. After performing libations and things of this nature, the lake no longer took people. The most interesting thing about the lake is that Tilapia fish is the only fish that will survive in this lake. Conservatist have tries to put at least five different fish in the lake and they all died. Conservatist from Nevada (USA)are constantly visiting and studying this lake. According to the sub-chief, the Tilapia that lives in this lake evolved from within the lake.

Here is a pic of the Lake Bosomtwi:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Adama...sasa? Frances told me about your travels to Ghana with mama and the rest of thefamily. So of course I had to look u your blog. Beautiful photos though I know there are so many more to be seen. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog and we have to catch up. Peace and balance for now. -Terea